Thursday, October 16, 2014

Year Four - Day One Hundred and Forty-One

Summer’s View
Sam and I went to the St. Louis Zoo today, as the weather is supposed to clear up and stop raining, finally! It was still chilly, and the sun never did show, but we had a great zoo day! This zoo is really big, and we barely made it through before they kicked us out to close at 5:00 pm!
We managed to find a few new animals and insects we had never seen before, and we had fun watching the baby elephant steal hay from the larger elephants. J There was a pair of lions, and it must be mating season for them, because the male lion went on a roaring fit every few minutes. We finally caught him in action once, and he was too funny! After roaring for a while (and you can hear their roar up to five miles away) he flopped over on his side like he was exhausted! LOL


Year Four - Day One Hundred and Forty

Summer’s View
We went to see the famous St. Louis Arch today – woo hoo! Sam is excited to ride to the top and look out!  Another cold and rainy day, with lots of construction downtown around the Arch, so it was a bit of a challenge to find a place to park and walk over to it.

We watched the cool movie that showed the construction of the arch in the early 1960’s – what an engineering feat!  Afterwards we toured the Museum of Westward Expansion which chronicled the Lewis and Clark Expedition, among other things. 
Then, the ride up! They were not kidding around when they asked if anyone was claustrophobic at the ticket counter! The trip up takes four minutes and five people sit inside a barrel shaped pod (barely fitting inside).  Yikes!
The view from up above was spectacular, and we could feel the structure swaying a little – a lot like being on a cruise ship in choppy waters. The ride back down was only 3 ½ minutes, and a little less stuffy feeling since there were only three of us in the “pod.” J
Afterward, we stopped for some food and brews at the stadium and watched the Cardinals play the Giants (on the big screen).  We left when they ended the ninth inning in a tie, but heard later that the Giants won.
We then went to the Lemp Mansion to check out some ghostly activities, and found they were giving a tour with real ghost hunters and infrared cameras we could all film with, so we were in! Sam was super excited! We had just seen a Ghost Adventures episode a few days earlier where they had explored the Lemp Mansion. It is listed as one of the 10 most haunted places in the U.S.

Our tour was cool, and Sam and I bought copies of our recordings so we can review them at length to look for paranormal activity. He was really into it, having his own EVP sessions and asking the tour guide questions. Even the tour guide made a comment about what a great little ghost hunter he was! J

Year Four - Days One Hundred and Thirty-Eight and One Hundred and Thirty-Nine

Summer’s View
We headed south, going around through Escanaba and down through WI.  After two driving days, we are in St. Louis, MO for a couple of days of sightseeing. As usual, it is cold and rainy. We actually drove through some pretty strong storms today. KOA for the next couple of days just west of St. Louis.

Year Four - Days One Hundred and Twenty-Nine thru One Hundred and Thirty-Seven

Summer’s View
The driveway was big enough, so we parked the RV there for the next several days while we checked out the house. It is a pretty nice place, but needs a new roof, so that will be our priority for this trip. There are eight acres with some woods and open field, so plenty of room for Sam to roam around, and he is enjoying it.  After the first two days of cold rain, it actually cleared up and was sunny and nicer, although the temperatures were only in the high 50’s during the day.
The worst part is the basement collects ground water, as so many do, but there was no sump pump running all year so there is about a foot of water standing in the basement. After a few days of pumping and drying it out, it looks and smells MUCH better! J

This place is really off the beaten path, about 9 miles south of Garden, which has two restaurants, a gas station/grocery store, and a post office. The nearest town with a Walmart and a Menards is Escanaba, which is 52 miles away.
Wildlife is everywhere out here! We have seen dozens of deer, and wild turkeys are everywhere. One morning, we looked out the window and counted 24 wild turkeys in the front yard! The sandhill cranes gather in this area for their winter migration, too, and we have seen dozens of them in the fields. We have literally counted hundreds flying over!
We have met a couple of the neighbors, and everyone seems nice. Salmon fishing and hunting are big activities in this area, and the summer gets a little busy with the fisherman going out on the lake. We are on a peninsula that sticks out into Lake Michigan, and only four miles from the point.

After arranging for a new roof to be installed, and making arrangements for the local “watchman” to keep an eye on things, we are headed south on the 12th.  We plan to return in the spring with tools and parts in tow to fix the place up!

Year Four - Days One Hundred and Twenty-Seven and One Hundred and Twenty-Eight

Summer’s View
After two more driving days, we made it to Garden, MI.  Because we don’t know the layout of the property and whether we will be able to park the RV in the driveway, we are spending the night at Fayette State Park, which is about 3 miles away. As usual, it is rainy and cold.

Year Four - Day One Hundred and Twenty-Six

Summer’s View
The last day of the month, and we are heading east toward MI. We are going to finally see the house we bought at the online auction. Our goal today is to make it to Sioux Falls, SD for the night.
We are all sad to be leaving our friends, again.

Year Four - Day One Hundred and Twenty-Five

Summer’s View
We decided to stay today so we could attend an auction of a campground in Custer. It was a raw, blustery day, so it was a good indoor activity. After a few hours, the campground sold. And no, we didn’t buy it. J

For our last night in town to visit with the Gluhosky’s, we watched Monday night football with them and shared some Papa John’s Pizza.

Year Four - Day One Hundred and Twenty-Four

Summer’s View
Today we went hiking with the Gluhosky gang along a nice trail that took us along a dam and an old log flume. It is amazing how the weather was cold and cloudy with misting rain when we left their house, but a short drive (about 10 miles) later it was sunny and pleasant in the hills! Great day for a hike!



Year Four - Day One Hundred and Twenty-Three

Summer’s View

The Gluhosky gang had soccer games today, so we took a drive along Iron Mountain Road, heading across Custer State Park and back again. That is one of the best drives for twisting roads and a great view of Mount Rushmore through a tunnel!

Matt came by after dinner to take Jim over to his friend’s house for some guy time. J

Year Four - Day One Hundred and Twenty-Two

Summer’s View
Today was the Buffalo Roundup at Custer State Park, and we picked up Matt and Michele around 7:00 am to get there in time to park and check it out. I read that over 14,000 people come to this event from around the world every year! As we got closer to the parking area, there was a HUGE line, and we just made it in to park at about 9:15 am before they closed the gates! Whew!

We found a spot to watch on the hillside, and around 10:30, they came barreling over the hills! It was such a cool sight to see them all running! Beautiful! The cowboys were cracking their whips, and the dust was flying! As they herded them toward the corral gate, which was right in front of us (lucky spot), a pronghorn that picked the wrong place at the wrong time was caught in the melee. He started freaking out, trying to figure out how to get out of there, and the bison were jumping away from him, frightened of him! LOL It was too funny, although I felt bad for the guy. He finally jumped the fence (barely) and went into the bigger corral where the bison were headed. At least he got some breathing room before he gathered up his strength to jump the fence later and escape! He really stole the show!

We got out the chairs and sat in the field for a while to let the traffic thin out before loading up to head back to town. It was after lunch time, so we opted to go to the steak house for lunch – yum! Naptime afterward. J


Year Four - Days One Hundred and Twenty and One Hundred and Twenty-One

Summer’s View
We had a salmon bake at Matt and Michele’s – yum!! Jim’s salmon catch was a hit! J

The next day, we hung around the campground, catching up on some work and doing some shopping.  Matt came over to watch the football game with Jim outside. The temperature here has been in the 90’s since we arrived! Woo hoo!




Year Four - Day One Hundred and Nineteen

Summer’s View
We left Thermopolis this morning, and drove over the Big Horn mountains to arrive in Rapid City, SD for a few days. The KOA in town is just a few miles from our friends, the Gluhosky’s. Yay!  Jim and Sam caught up with them at Luke’s soccer game that night.

Year Four - Day One Hundred and Eighteen

Summer’s View

We spent the day hanging out in the mineral hot pool, and we drove into town to go to Hot Springs State Park. We walked around the park area for a while, and then we drove the back roads to catch a glimpse of the buffalo herd that stays here. One spot we stopped to check out was Spirit Hole, an extinct hot spring hole.

The hot mineral pool at the campground is awesome – I wish I could hop in it every day!