Sunday, June 28, 2015

Year 5 - Day 13


We all woke up sore from our fun time yesterday, and it was raining on and off, so we spent the day lazing around the campground.  After dinner, we went on a Ghost Hunter's Tour of downtown Asheville.

Downtown is filled with older buildings that the city does not allow to be demolished or significantly altered, so it was interesting to see it vibrant and full of life! This place is hopping!

The ghost tour was a lot of fun, and Sam really liked using the dowsing rods and EMF meter. When the tour was over at 10:30, he didn't want it to end.  The dowsing rods were really active when he held them, and the tour guide said she could feel the energy when he was holding them.

We had to stop at Applebee's on the way home for another Triple Chocolate Meltdown dessert - addicting!

Year 5 - Day 12


We went to the Fun Depot in Asheville today. They had go karts, bumper cars, mini golf, a climbing wall, mini bowling, laser tag, an arcade, and a couple of cool games called Atomic Rush and a laser evasion game. Needless to say, it was fun!

My favorite was the mini bowling, and I think Sam's favorite was Atomic Rush. It was display boards with colored tiles and you had to race around and press your color before the time runs out.

Six hours later, we were worn out and hungry so we stopped at an Applebee's for dinner on the way home.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Year 5 - Day 11

Sam and James went to Appalachian Caves today for some spelunking!  They came home and said they got wet, muddy, and dirty, and they were tired, so......success! :)

When I found this online, I showed it to Sam and asked him if he was interested. He said, "YES! YES! YES!"

Year 5 - Day 10

Hiked today at Gorges State Park. This is in Transylvania County, NC which is known for all of its waterfalls. We took a two mile hike to Rainbow Falls, a 150 foot waterfall, where folks were swimming down below it. Just up the path from it was Turtleback Falls, with a sliding rock where folks would slide down the falls into the water below. Although the hike wasn’t very long, it was all uphill or downhill, so it was a workout. Sam and James enjoyed the swimming, and I was beginning to think we were going to spend the night!


Buster came along for the hike as well, but he was not too thrilled when we got hit by a thunderstorm on the hike back. I don’t think he minded the rain too much, as it was nice and cool, but he HATES thunder! He kept stopping and looking at me with his pitiful face. LOL

We could tell we had a great time because we were all sore and stiff when we got back to the RV, including Buster.

On the way to the park, we passed through a town called Brevard. Their claim to fame is the white squirrels that live in town. It seems a carnival that passed through in the 1950's had some white squirrels that escaped, and through the years they have multiplied. The town is so proud of these unique creatures that they have a yearly festival, and even made them a protected species in the 1980's!


Year 5 - Day 9

Whitewater rafting today! Woo hoo! We took the Great Smokey Mountain Railroad from Bryson City to a stop where we departed and joined up with a group to go whitewater rafting along the Nantahala River. The train ride was relaxing and awesome, as we rode in an open air gondola car along the way.

The rafting trip was a lot of fun, and, of course, I got splashed the most! J Although, James got the wettest because he jumped into the river for a dip once along the way. The water was pretty cold, only about 48 degrees, so it took his breath away!

Our guide liked to do “rock spins” where she would have the raft hit a big rock in the river and then she would spin us off of it. She said she had never had anyone fall in from this, then two seconds later the man behind me was thrown off! That was my side of the raft, and it went down into the water but I grabbed James’ arm and stayed in the raft. (he says he has bruises to prove it J) I am sure the other raft guides on our tour will never let our guide live that one down!
Sam was right up front smiling the whole time! He loved it!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Year 5 - Day 8

Checked out the Biltmore Estate today, which is about 20 miles from the campground. Wow – what a place! The ticket counters were lined up, and this place was packed! No photographs are allowed inside the home, so we got the guide book to reflect upon later.

Sam and James wanted to roll down the long hill in front of the estate, but only made it about 100 feet before they got dizzy - LOL!

This place was immense, and the grand scale was almost unfathomable. To imagine living is such a place, it is like living in a grand hotel. The staff required to maintain it is massive. We walked around the gardens, and that was about a three mile hike! After tiring ourselves out walking around the gardens outside, we drove by the farm and winery on the way out, but we were too tired to stop and go in. J
It is definitely worth the trip to see it all – stunning!


Year 5 - Day 7

Driving day – we are heading north to Asheville, NC. We hope the temps will be a little cooler, and the humidity lower, in the mountains. Our refrigerator is dying, and we hope it will make it until we get to Concord so James can repair it with new parts on order.
Staying at the West Asheville KOA, and it is very nice! They have a trail through the woods all around the park, with a pond full of bull frogs, much to Sam’s enjoyment! :)

Year 5 - Day 6

On our last day in Savannah, we toured the Bonaventure Cemetery on a guided historical tour. Our tour guide was Shannon Scott, and he not only knew his history, but also had known a few of the well-known “clients” that now reside in the cemetery. The tour was very informative and fascinating. The stories of the past days made me feel as if I was right there watching the events unfold. Many of the stories were heartbreaking, and you really could feel the spirits in the air.

We were happy to have attended the morning tour, as the temps were already in the high 90’s by the time it ended around 12:30. We decided to head back down to the riverfront for lunch, and tried another restaurant. More excellent food, and then back to the RV for a lazy afternoon. Sam and James have been giving the pool a workout every afternoon.

Year 5 - Day 5

We visited the GA Railroad Museum and Historic Site today. It not only has a nice collection of restored railway cars and engines, but an entire complex where trains were stored, repaired, etc. The highlight was the roundhouse, which is still operational. On a short tour aboard a train of the complex, we got to ride on the roundhouse to change tracks.

Another attraction that Sam was willing to come back for after lunch downtown was the chance to ride and operate a handcar. J He decided that would be a lot of work if you wanted to go a long distance!

We had lunch down along the riverfront at a place called Fiddler’s and it was the best seafood I have had in a long time! Yum!


Year 5 - Day 4

Today we visited the Oatland Island Wildlife Center. They have quite an extensive collection of wild animals that are all survivors that can no longer be released into the wild. They had such creatures as bobcats, cougars, wolves, and bison. It was a nice way to hike in the beautiful outdoors while viewing an array of wildlife, and helping to support a good cause! The heat wave was taking it’s toll on the animals as well as us, and they were all trying to beat the heat by sleeping it off.


Year 5 - Day 3

Today we drove over to the Wormsloe Historic Site, which is the oldest standing structure in Savannah, Ga. Built in 1737, it predates most settlers in this country, and has quite a history. About 80 acres of this site are still owned by descendants of the original family.

Walking around this property, it was easy to imagine life back in those days, and how quiet and peaceful it was before the world became so busy and motorized. The grounds were beautiful, and the iconic tree-lined avenue is every bit as beautiful as the photos show. As we walked the grounds on another day of 99 degree heat, with a heat index of 110, we marveled at how people survived such conditions before modern conveniences.

After dinner at a local restaurant in downtown Savannah, we went on a carriage ride / ghost tour. The guide was quite informative about the local history and folklore surrounding the beautiful old homes of Savannah, and the design and layout of the town and squares themselves had been completed by Noble Jones, who was the first family and survivors that started the Wormsloe plantation. What a gorgeous city!

Year 5 - Day 2

First day – we are going to try out the new kayak! James bought a double kayak for us to use, while Sam has his own kayak. Figuring out how to get them on and off of the car is the first challenge.

We went out near Skidaway Island State Park, and paddled around in the river there. It is right alongside the Wormsloe Historic Site and Ruins. We explored a side canal and saw hundreds of fiddler crabs on the shores. After about an hour-and-a-half, the heat was getting to us, and Sam was cooked. J It was around 99 degrees and in the sun, so we headed back to shore. It was a good first outing!


Year 5 - Day 1

It's official - we are on the road again!!!

Today we started this year’s trip! Woo hoo!! We got a late start, around 1 pm, but we are headed to Savannah, GA for our first stop.

After a day of driving, we got into the KOA around 8 pm, and we are ready to relax for the night. The campground has a big lake, and it is filled with white swans – beautiful!