Monday, August 22, 2011

Day Sixty-Four

Day sixty-four we decided to go on a longer hike, and drove out the dirt road to park at the trailhead for Chapel Falls.  This was going to be about six miles roundtrip to view Chapel Falls and also to visit Chapel Rock.  We had seen Chapel Rock from the water on the boat cruise, so now we would get to view it up close and personal!  The hike was good exercise, but an easy hike with no big climbs.  I never saw so many chipmunks in my life!  I literally saw more chipmunks in this one day than I had seen in my entire life.  They were everywhere, and we actually found out they make several different noises and calls.  What we had thought were birds in the past, I now know are chipmunk calls in a couple of cases.  One chipmunk was so unafraid, it actually came right up to my shoe, and licked it!  Sam was amazed.

Chapel Falls was beautiful, and Chapel Rock was awesome!  We were right at the rock, and got a close-up view of the tree that was growing right on top of the rock.  It’s root actually stretched over the chasm to the ground since there was no soil on the rock, and the roots were thicker than most trees I’ve seen, since it’s so old! 

We passed through a primitive campground area on the hike back, and stopped at their bathroom facility.  This was three miles from the trailhead, and it made me wonder – how do they keep this facility stocked with supplies, and who’s the lucky ranger that gets to carry them in?  Hope they have a vehicle trail somewhere we didn’t see, because that is quite the hike to carry in tp!  J

The parking area at the trailhead was overflowing with cars when we got back – it was a beautiful day and everyone was out!  We had packed a lunch, so we ate when we got back to the car, and we all agreed it was the best lunch ever!  Funny how walking six miles through the woods can make one so hungry!  Especially Sam, since he had picked up a log and carried it the last mile of the hike, just to test his fortitude.  J


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