Monday, September 5, 2011

Day Seventy

Day seventy we all headed to Mt. Olympus for some rollercoaster and go kart action!  There is one go kart track that goes under a huge Trojan Horse, and Sam and I got the slowest car – boo!  J  Another go kart track we drove on was one that goes under a pond, and Sam and I got the lead car AND the fastest car that time!  We smoked them all!  Woo hoo!

After lunch, Sam had to spend some time back at the wave pool, and he spent a couple of hours running like crazy!  We all went back to the coach for some down time for a couple of hours, before our next adventure – Monster Truck Ride!!  They have this HUGE monster truck that a driver takes you zooming around a course of hills, bumps, curves, and mud through the woods.  Oh boy!  It was definitely a thrill ride!  Sam was clutching the sides of his seat pretty good, and his eyes were VERY big!  J  We had a blast, though!

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