Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day Thirty-Seven - Year Two

Today we went hiking up Harney Peak, 7,242 ft. – the highest point east of the continental divide.  It was a six mile hike round trip, and we went with Matt, Michele, Luke and a friend of Luke’s.  On the way up, we met another hiker and his wife.  After some conversation, we found out that he is a motivational speaker and has hiked up Mt. Everest!  He was really nice, and told the boys some cool facts and stories about his adventures.  He and his wife are travelling the 50 states, and hiking the highest point in each state.  Cool!

After lunch at the top, we hiked back down so we could get back in time for Matt and Luke to have soccer practice – whew!  We needed naps!  J  Later, we went to their house for fish dinner – walleye – great stuff!

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