Monday, October 7, 2013

Year Three - Day 164

Jim's View

HOME ! We drove a long day yesterday, so that we could get in early afternoon. The bridge over the bay has always been the arrival marker to home for me. It was a little windy, but the birds were out, sun was out, and we were home! Awesome trip.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Year Three - Day 153

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

Today was a day for me to let my hair down and do a little off-roading. Summer has paperwork and Sam wanted to stay home, so I rented a Razor and played in the dirt all day. From rock climbing to sand dunes. What a blast! Didn't get a lot of picks, because I was having too much fun practicing for the next Baja race. :) :) :)  Put that on your list of things to do in Zion when you come out here!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Year Three - Day 152

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

A little hike along the Virgin River. Sam got another stamp for his National Park collection. Summer sold her Michigan farm house today, so she bought Sam and I steak for dinner. We looked all over the town of Hurricane for a steak place and could not find one (a good biz opportunity for someone). We ate a tourist stop that advertised steak, they should have said gristle with steak. The meat part was good, but Summer says she is still on the hook for real steak! I am holding her to it!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Year Three - Day 151

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

Today we hiked a river. Not alongside, but in the river. The Narrows is a trail where you hike through the river into the gorge it has cut. It was a lot of fun and needless to say the views were awesome. We hiked about 5 miles overall, and 2-3 of those were in the river. We were going to hike 4 miles into the gorge, but the miles were slow and we just did not plan enough time. I think the river was wearing us down a little too. A lot of fun, everyone needs to mark this hike down on their must do list if you visit Zion.

They have a hot tub here, but it is down for repair. I sure could have used it!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Year Three - Day 150

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

Last night I slept outside with Buster. He is back to feeling bad and really wanted to hang out in the fresh air. Today we took him to the vet. The vet said take 1/2 aspirin twice a day and get rest.  :)  OK... so, we hung out a little longer with him and then went to drive the park with the Go Pro to film the drive. Sam and I forgot to charge the battery so we only got some of the drive.

We did a little pull over exploring. Like we said the other day, cool rocks! Sam and Summer found a cool little wash we followed into some small canyons it carved. Then Sam and I tackled a small, but big climb to a rock halfway up a rock. Did I say it is all about rocks out here!

When we got back Buster ate his dinner in one sitting. We got some new dog food, just in case the other bag was bad for some reason. He seems the best ever. Guess the doc was right after all.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Year Three - Day 149

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

Football day, stay home day, just a another day day, whatever it is called. Hanging out at home!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Year Three - Day 148

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

We took a driving tour for a few hours. We found ourselves doing some serious dirt roads in the mountains. We caught some good altitude! It was fun, beautiful, and just a good drive. The drive took us around the east side of Zion having us drive through Zion for our first time. Pretty cool. Looks like we will have some fun climbing rocks here! I know, but in my mind I am still young and shall we say more agile! We had a great meal in Springdale just outside the park on the west side. Good stuff.


Friday, September 20, 2013

Year Three - Day 147

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

Moved on down to Zion National Park region. A straight shot south, HWY 15 the whole way. We are camping about 10 miles from the park entrance. There is a river right behind us, looks like a fun place to play.

The front Directv Sat had a tree blocking it, so the tripod with backup dish is setup. Hughes dish in the back has clear sky. Campground wifi is strong. I have not tried the ATT mifi, but I think it works. Campground cable standard tv, but it is there for a pinch. Home is now in Virgin, Utah

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Year Three - Day 146

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

We added a day in Salt Lake City. Buster is still not feeling well and we wanted to give him a rest day and maybe have to make an appointment with the vet. Summer stayed home to play nurse, while Sam and I took a couple hours to head over to Hill Air Museum at Hill Air Force Base.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Year Three - Day 145

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

So we went birding today. Or, should I say, we tried to go birding today. The birding loop road was closed for repairs, Buster has diarrhea, there were more mosquitos than in all of NH, and Sam while running from these skeeters tripped and crashed and burned. OK... so birding did not work out like we planned.

We headed over to the Great Salt Lake to swim and get some salt in Sam's scrapes. It was still salty and Sam and I agree, no one can drown in this lake!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Year Three - Day 144

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

Driving to Salt Lake City again for a couple days. Salt Lake City is half way to Zion National Park. Sam wants to go float in the Great Salt Lake again and check out some more migration of birds. Summer has some biz at Sam's Club. Me I am just the driver.

We missed a key turn on the way, so the GPS recalculated a new more scenic route. We did some serious mountain climbing. We got up to almost 9000'. There had been a passing storm which allowed us a nice lighting show and which left some hail on the mountain. Cool stuff.

We were keeping our eyes peeled for wildlife, easy stuff when you are crawling up a mountain. On the way down Summer spotted a moose. Needless to say Sam and all us were pretty excited!

We made it back to Salt Lake City and the same campground we were at a couple weeks ago. Pretty windy out tonight, so much so I actually put the dishes down.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Year Three - Day 143

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

We started to go for a drive through the Tetons, but Buster was not feeling well, so we called it early. We stayed home to keep him company before heading out for a dusk wildlife drive. We saw some mule deer and then Summer spotted a fox. Pretty cool!

After some pizza, beer, and some table hockey we made it back home.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Year Three - Day 142

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

My official first day to watch some football! Got a little work done too.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Year Three - Day 141

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

Drove to Jackson, WY, Grand Teton area. The coach had a very successful, very steep, and very long climb into Jackson. First gear! Awesome climb, with a ten mile, 10% grade on the back side!

No camp wifi, Hugesnet and Directv sats have clear view of sky. MiFi has 4G LTE. Good to go here.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Year Three - Day 140

Sam's View

Summer's View

Jim's View

You have to hike up a "little" hill to get this view. It looks just like the books, less this awesome little boy! After we went elk viewing. Just hung out by the river watching all the fly fishermen (I would have said fly fisherpersons, but there were no girls fishing) and waiting for the elk to come out of the woods for the night. Relaxing!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Year Three - Day 139

Sam's View

Today it rained again so we went to watch an Imax movie. It was about Alaska! It was pretty cool! After that we went to eat some steak! Yummy.  :)

Summer's View

Jim's View

Rainy Day! Steak night! Sam was going to split some of mine, but he ended up eating most of it! This is the last time I share my steak with Sam! Home in time for the Patriots game. As this was the first chance I got to see the Pats, it was also the first time I learned they are rebuilding. Should be a fun year.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Year Three - Day 138

Sam's View

Today we went to Norris Geyser Basin! Steamboat Geyser is there, it is the most unpredictable geyser in the world! It has an eruption time between 4 days and 50 years! When it erupts, it shoots a cloud of steam up to 320 ft in the air! It last erupted on July 29, 2013! After that we went to a couple of hot springs that go into a little pool that you can go in! it felt really warm and good! :)


Summer's View

Jim's View

A little geyser viewing and then Sam and I went for a relaxing swim in the river where a hot spring merges. There is a fine line between too hot and too cold. Nothing like a little natural hot tub action! Too bad all the pics of us got wet and destroyed! Hey!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Year Three - Day 137

Sam's View

Today we went to Mammoth Hot Springs to do a 5 mile hike! At the 2.5 mile mark there is a beaver pond!!!!! I saw a beaver and a muskrat!!!!!  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) !!!!! It was AWESOME!!!!! We also saw 4 deer, 2 new birds, a lot of chipmunks, and about a million grasshoppers!!! The best part was the ice cream at the end though. :)

Summer's View

Jim's View

Hiking today. A little five plus mile hike. It was over three times as far as Sam declared his hiking range, it was my limit before needing an ice cream, and Summer kicked butt. A nice day all around. Everyone had a great time. Sam led the way and set the perfect pace for mom and dad!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Year Three - Day 136

Sam's View

Today was an all day school day. When I got done with school we went to play some more foosball and air hockey! Yay!

Summer's View

Jim's View

We call today "bad school Monday". Sam is finding it hard to get back into school mode. He finally found his happy place again and cranked it out.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Year Three - Day 135

Sam's View

Today we went into Yellowstone! We saw an elk bedding area and we saw a big bull elk in the river there! He was looking across the river so we looked where he was looking and there was a bear less than 75 ft away!!!!! :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :) !!! That was awesome!!!

Summer's View

Jim's View

Another busy work day. We are making a new system for the mobile home park, so we have lots of work in programming and creating new procedures. Always lots and lots to do.

Another storm came in tonight, but we decided to go wildlife viewing anyways. We were not that far into the park when we came upon a favorite elk bedding area and sure enough there they were. While we were looking at one big buck elk walking through the river, we noticed a bear less than 75 feet away! Awesome. Our first up close wild bear encounter. Pretty cool is all I can say. We left that area deeper into the park knowing it was already an awesome wildlife viewing trip. :)

And crap, I just realized today was Sunday! I missed all the football games! I could have been watching football while working. So much for The Sunday Ticket! Even so, "Life Is Beary Good"!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Year Three - Day 134

Sam's View

Today we played some more air hockey and foosball. After that we went to eat some pizza. Yummy!
Summer's View

Jim's View

More foosball and air hockey. Hanging around the house. We went to Summer's favorite pizza joint in West Yellowstone and it was as good as last year! Did in a little winter clothes shopping at all the 50% off sales. I like our West Yellowstone homestead! Nice and relaxing.

We did plan on going wildlife viewing at sunset, but a big storm came through. Lots of wind and rain, so we called it. Rain date set for tomorrow.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Year Three - Day 133

Sam's View

Today was a stay home day. Me and Daddy played some foosball and some air hockey, he beat me on both.   :(

Summer's View

Jim's View

Hung out today. Sam is loving the game room, so we played a little foosball and air hockey.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Year Three - Day 132

Sam's View

Today we traveled to West Yellowstone, MT!

Summer's View

Jim's View

Drove to West Yellowstone today. About 320 miles, not as bad as I originally thought. It was a nice scenic drive. The water temp got up there on the bigger "hills", but not nearly as bad as before. I think the thermostat replacement did the trick.

Because we were here last year, we knew the rv campground we wanted to stay at downtown. West Yellowstone is a small totally tourist town at the west entrance to Yellowstone National Park. It is a nice little fun town, really relaxing.

Clear shot at the sky, so all satellites up and running. The campground has cable so I was able to watch the Denver slaughter. The DirectTV does not let us get the network channels as we are outside the "spotlight" of the Tampa area. Apparently the Federal Gov has some law that the satellite companies can only let you see local network stations. When you go outside you "spotlighted" area you are out of luck. I guess there is some danger to the citizenry if we could got LA or NY no matter where we roam. I am just glad they are protecting us from ourselves. Anyways, the DirectTV Sunday Ticket is only for Sundays. Thurs, Sat, or Monday games are not included, so I have to hope the campground has cable. Worse than that I have to watch it in standard tv as opposed to HD. How awful. Life is still good! And Denver lit it up! Oh and what a surprise to see Welker out there!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Year Three - Day 131

Sam's View

Today we put the rv back in the shop. We went to see UT’s capitol building! After that we went to a park and I did my first day of school!

Summer's View

Jim's View

Coach repair day! We put her in the shop and headed into Salt Lake City to kill some time, five plus hours of time. We saw the State House. Pretty big and pretty nice. After that we pretty much hung out in a couple parks all day. Sam did his school,  Summer played teacher, and I did some computer work. We finally got the coach back and got her set up for the night around 8 PM. We are heading out tomorrow for a long drive to West Yellowstone, MT. Awesome!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Year Three - Day 130

Sam's View

Today we put the rv in the shop. We went to some thrift stores and got a lot of beanie babies!

Summer's View

Jim's View

Called and made an appointment to put the coach into the shop to check on the high water temp problem. We have plans to be driving all over the mountains the next couple months and something is not right.

We dropped the coach off for a 2 to 4 hour diagnostics check. In the meantime we drove around going to thrifts stores. Summer and Sam went in the stores for hidden treasures, while Buster and I stayed with the car and surfed the net.

They finally called about the rig and apparently it has a sticky thermostat. We scheduled for it to be replaced tomorrow. It is going to be a 5 plus hour job. It's pretty hard to get to the engine on this thing. I am just glad something was wrong and not just my imagination and poor hill driving skills!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Year Three - Day 129

Sam's View

Today some people came over to wash the rv so me and mommy went to some thrift stores. We got 5 beanie babies!

Summer's View

Jim's View

The RV was getting a bath today, so I hung around and had a stay home day. Pretty hot here. It has been in the 95 F range since we arrived. It rained later in the day. Good thing we had the RV washed! The smell of the rain reminded me of Yuma, AZ. Desert rain has its own smell!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Year Three - Day 128

Sam's View

Today we went to a bird refuge! It was migration season so we saw a lot of birds! We saw 15 new species of birds!!! :)  :)  :)  it was awesome!!!

Summer's View

Jim's View

Labor Day weekend! We drove over to a bird refuge area. You are pretty much only allowed on a loop road, as it is a very very big marsh area. Needless to say we say lots of new birds. Sam will tell you all about it. They are having a drought out here and consequently the water is low The Great Salt Lake was really low as well. A wild thought is the whole area of Salt Lake City is a ring of mountains and a long long time ago the ring was actually a huge lake over 350 feet deep. Huge in hundreds of miles long. Anyways you can see the "ring" on the mountainsides. Apparently the water burst through one end of the ring like a broken dam and voila, all the water ran out. Anyways, we had a fun day birding. All is well in Utah.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Year Three - Day 127

Sam's View

Today we went to the Great Salt Lake! It is 5 times saltier then the ocean so it is easier to float! It was awesome!!

Summer's View

Jim's View

We hung out at a kite festival in an island State Park located in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. It was a lot of fun. Another chance to eat. The kites were cool. They have come a long way from my days as a kid where we just went for height in the back yard. The park is beautiful and we all had a good time.

While we were over here, we stopped at one of the beach access areas. Sam and I wading out, quite far, and floated in the Great Salt Lake. Sam tells me the lake is fives times more salty than the oceans. It was an interesting experience. Cool. The down side was there were a "lot" of bugs out. They did not bite or pester you, but there were millions of them.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Year Three - Day 126

Sam's View

Today we went to check out the Bonneville Salt Flats! After that we traveled to Salt Lake City, UT!

Summer's View

Jim's View

We did a quick ten miles to the Bonneville Salt Flats. Wild terrain. Flat, crusted, and today a lot of water sitting on top. We touched it, tasted it, walked on the dry and wet parts, and then we left.

Heading on down the road to Salt Lake City. We had a few "hills" to climb and the rig is still having a hard time keeping her water cool on the climbs. Something is not right, and getting worse. Crap!

After having crawled over the hills we made it to the campground, All set up. Both dishes have open sky, so DirectTV and Hughesnet up. AT&T 4G LTE up for phones and MiFi. Campground wifi, ok, but not needed.


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Year Three - Day 125

Sam's View

Today we traveled to West Wendover, NV!

Summer's View

We drove to Wendover, NV today, and stopped for the night. Although we planned to drive out to see the Bonneville Salt Flats today, we decided to wait until the morning.  R&R at the KOA!

Jim's View

Back on the road to Salt Lake City! We are stopping for the night in Wendover, NV. We were planning an early start this morning, but that did not happen, with the idea to get to Wendover early and hit the Bonneville Salt Flats real quick. We lost an hour to Mountain Standard Time, the mountains made for some slow uphill crawls, and because of our late start, no flats today. We will try in the morning, before covering the last 120 miles to Salt Lake City.

No DirectTV from roof (one strategically placed tree), HughesNet up ok, ATT MiFi ok, phones ok, campground cable great (almost 50 channels), campground wifi strong and fast

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Year Three - Day 124

Sam's View

Today we went gold mining! We didn’t get any though. L but we did get a piece of an old tractor! We didn’t keep it though.

Summer's View

We took a drive through the country today to go metal detecting and look for gold.  The area we drove through was really remote, but the gravel roads led us through some mountains and through an old mining town.  We also saw some abandoned mines near the end of our drive!

Jim's View

We went in search of gold in the Winnemucca area. We drove away from civilization and to the gold fields. We didn't find any water ways for panning, but we did do some metal detecting is search of nuggets. We came up empty, so Summer still has to keep her day job.

Our search for gold brought us to a National Forest area (minus the trees). We decided to follow the loop (dirt road) out and around back to the main road. Over two hours later we found the main road. The loop took us up and over two mountains. It was worth it! There were lots of switchbacks, amazing views, and Sam even saw a few new birds.

We finally made it back. No gold in our vials and lots of hard miles under our belts.


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Year Three - Day 123

Sam's View

Today we traveled to Winnemucca, NV!

Summer's View

We drove to Winnemucca, NV today to stay for two nights.  Totally different landscape - desert and flat!  A little rainstorm tonight really blew in fast and shook the awnings a bit!

Jim's View

Travel Day ... once we got on I-80, it is a straight shot to Salt Lake City. We stopped in Winnemuca, NV tonight and tomorrow. There was lots of smoke from the Yosemite fire from Sacramento all the way to just 50 miles or so from Winnemucca. Pretty heavy up above Tahoe area. We made it though, the coach did more climbing over and around mountains. She is not liking the climbing and I am having to really watch the water temp. I still think something is wrong.

We caught an early evening rain storm. There is nothing like the smell of rain in the desert! Flashbacks to Yuma!

Both dishes on top see the sky, DirectTV and HughesNet, no ATT Mifi, campground wifi ok, cell phone service ok


Monday, August 26, 2013

Year Three - Day 122

Sam's View

Today me and daddy went to the Maritime Museum. They didn’t have a lot of stuff there after that I dug a little at the beach. It was fun! Then we did Lombard St, the most crookedest street in the world. The speed limit is 5 MPH! it was really cool! Then we went to mcdonalds and after that we saw a guy hiding behind some bushes and he shakes the bushes when someone walks by. :D we got some video!


Summer's View

Sam and Jim went back to Fisherman's Wharf today to check out the Maritime Museum. I had a work day to pay bills and catch up on laundry.

Jim's View

Sam and I headed back into the city today. The first thing we did was head on over to and then down the crookedest street in America, Lombard Street. They say there is a line of cars waiting their turn, well, a little secret, we went up the hill (very steep) and as a result we were the only ones on that side of the intersection. The line of cars was on the perpendicular side road where it was more level. We got there and just went, not even cutting the line! Awesome. Cross that off the bucket list.

From there we let the GPS guide us back down to Fisherman's Wharf. Sam wanted to go to the Maritime Museum. If you know Sam, you know he loves the beach. And guess what, right next to the museum is a beach. A hour plus later we finally made it to the museum! Something about having to dig some holes.

The Maritime Museum is a National Park and is comprised of several old boats. We walked around on the boats / ships, learned a little about shipping, and well it kind of made us hungry. It made Sam hungry anyways, and he informed me he had not been to McD's for probably a month. Not sure about that stat, but McD's it was.

We hung around down at the pier a while, did some shopping, bought some candy, did some more stuff, and then decided to head on back.

On the way home we headed up to the Marin Headlands and had a spectacular view of San Francisco with the Golden Gate Bridge in the foreground. Time to head home, and there goes Sam to the playground again!