Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Year Three - Day 124

Sam's View

Today we went gold mining! We didn’t get any though. L but we did get a piece of an old tractor! We didn’t keep it though.

Summer's View

We took a drive through the country today to go metal detecting and look for gold.  The area we drove through was really remote, but the gravel roads led us through some mountains and through an old mining town.  We also saw some abandoned mines near the end of our drive!

Jim's View

We went in search of gold in the Winnemucca area. We drove away from civilization and to the gold fields. We didn't find any water ways for panning, but we did do some metal detecting is search of nuggets. We came up empty, so Summer still has to keep her day job.

Our search for gold brought us to a National Forest area (minus the trees). We decided to follow the loop (dirt road) out and around back to the main road. Over two hours later we found the main road. The loop took us up and over two mountains. It was worth it! There were lots of switchbacks, amazing views, and Sam even saw a few new birds.

We finally made it back. No gold in our vials and lots of hard miles under our belts.


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