Friday, June 14, 2013

Year Three - Days Forty-Five thru Forty-Nine

Sam's View

Day 45 - 10 Jun

Today we went shopping. We went to hobby Shoppe and got a motor for the traxxes and we went to the ups store and coming out we saw Luke and Ellie's dad Matt so we talked a little then we went back to the rv for a little while. Then we went to their house and hang out for a while.

Day 46 - 11 Jun

Today we went fishing with Luke and Matt for about 5 to 6 hours. We caught lots of sunfish and Matt caught 2 trout and Luke caught 1. We stopped on an island and we skipped some rocks. I broke me record it was 5 and now it is 6. After we were done skipping rocks we went fishing some more and then we stopped fishing at 4:00 because it was about to rain so we went back to the dock and got everything in the van and headed back after we got back we went out to eat and after we ate we went to their house and I Minecrafted with Luke on his Xbox 360.

Day 47 - 12 Jun

Today me and mommy went to Reptile Gardens! They had lots of Reptiles there! They had lots of venomous snakes. They had prairie dogs. They had a giant tortoises and you can pet them!!! They had 2 giant tortoises their names are Tank and Quazzie. Tank is 50 years old and Quazzie is 46 years old. They also had alligators and crocodiles. They had a saltwater croc named Maniac he is 15 feet and 7 inches long!!!! He is the largest croc in captivity in the world!!! That was cool to see. :)

Day 48 - 13 Jun

Today we went to Custer State Park. We went on Iron Mountain Road. We went through 3 tunnels. After that we dis the wildlife loop. We saw buffalo and baby buffalo. We saw pronghorn and baby pronghorn. Then when we finished we went on the needles highway. We went through 3 more tunnels. That was pretty cool.

Day 49 - 14 Jun

Today we went shopping and got some stuff and we went to Luke and Ellie's house and Luke and his friend Kobe were jumping on the trampoline. And the sprinkler was on underneath the trampoline so as they were jumping they were getting wet then I got on and it was fun. Their mom took some pictures. Then we ate dinner and the 1st game of the Stanley cup was on and we had spaghetti. Then we Minecrafted for a little. Then we went to dinosaur park. We saw concrete Dino's. We climbed on them. Then after that wee ate some ice cream! Yummy  :)

Summer's View

We spent the last few days in Rapid City, visiting with good friends Matt and Michele and their son Luke.  Their daughter, Ellie, is in Montana for a few weeks on vacation.  That is our next stop!
While there, Jim and Sam went fishing one day with Matt and Luke, and they managed to catch 3 trout which were cooked on the grill for some great dinner later!  Sam caught about 20 sunfish, which were promptly released.  :)  Sam said one of the funniest things he saw that day was Matt’s fishing pole hanging over the boat side with bait on the hook a few inches above the water, and a sunfish actually leapt out of the water after the bait and hooked itself!  LOL

One night we took them out to eat at a good local restaurant down the street.  Since they were working during the day, we were only able to convince them to let us bug them at night.  J  Sitting outside on their back deck, we would look out on the valley full of trees, and wild turkeys roost in there every night.  Sam would do his turkey call to them, and they would answer back – too funny!  They would also call out every time they heard thunder.  LOL
One day, Jim, Sam and I, along with Buster, drove through Custer State Park, spending the day driving along Iron Mountain Road, which is scenic drive full of twists, turns, pigtail bridges, tunnels, and great sights of Mount Rushmore through one of the tunnel ways.  We also drove the Wildlife Loop, seeing tons (literally) of bison, all of the cows seemingly having calves by their sides, and even pronghorns with babies.  On our way out, we drove the highway showcasing the Needle’s Eye rock formation, featuring more twists, turns and tunnels.  It was a beautiful day and a great drive!
Another day, after a lazy morning, Sam and I went to an attraction across the street from the campground called Reptile Gardens.  It was way cool!  They had the biggest and best display of venomous snakes I have ever seen, and many that even Sam had never heard of (which is quite a feat!).  There was a saltwater croc they called “Maniac” who they had obtained from Australia in 2004 – he is now 15 feet 7 inches long!!  Yikes!

There was a cool jungle room with lizards and birds running about unrestrained for your viewing pleasure – and we had fun trying to find them all and identify them!  Outside, the prairie dog town was adorable, and one of the cute critters had a baby that was so cute it was almost impossible to leave!  The best thing EVER was their two giant tortoises, Tank and Quazzie, who were in a big enclosure where we could enter and pet them, touch them, feed them, and just follow them around!!  Sam almost fainted he was so excited!  I could have hung out with them all day.  Needless to say, we had an amazing time.

Our last day in Rapid City, we had a great spaghetti dinner at Matt and Michele’s, then they drove us along Skyline Drive to Dinosaur Park.  What great views!  An old tradition in the area, it is a little park atop the ridge with some concrete dinosaurs for kids to climb on, and enjoyed by all.  A little shop there sells great ice cream, which we tested for good measure.  After some front yard soccer and a little backyard sprinkler/trampoline jumping before dinner, Sam was worn out and we headed for the coach.  Jim and Matt spent most of the night outside the coach reliving some old memories, so it was a great night.

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