Saturday, July 25, 2015

Year 5 - Day 38


We drove into Lake Placid today to visit the Olympic Museum. The winter Olympics were held here in 1932 and in 1980. During the 1980 Olympics was when the USA Hockey Team took the gold medal over Russia, and caused a worldwide surprise and celebration. The museum here had some displays about it, along with the winning game running on a screen.

Along with several other interesting displays and artifacts, one that was of particular interest to us was the display with artifacts belonging to Jack Shea. His brother, Gene Shea, is a good friend of ours in Saint Petersburg. At 101 years old, he is the oldest living working realtor I have ever met!

He and his brother grew up in Lake Placid, and Jack won the gold medal in speed skating in 1932. His son and his grandson were also Olympic competitors and medal winners, making them the first family to have three generations of Olympic medal winners.

Afterword, we went to the Olympic Jumping Center to view the enormous ski jumps and see a show and demonstration. The kids who train here practice their jumps by landing in the water, and it was awesome to see them practicing their twirls and flips.

We then finished up our day at the Olympic Sports Complex, where James went on a bobsled ride! Wow, was it fast! We then went on a tour of the complex, where the bus took us to the top of the bobsled track, and we were allowed to walk down the track to the bottom. How cool!

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