Thursday, June 19, 2014

Year Four - Day Twenty

Summer's View

Before leaving Calgary, Sam and I went to the Spark Science Center for him to check it out. He played and learned, and had a blast for a couple of hours, and then we went back to get the rv on the road.

The plan was to drive to the Banff area today to camp for at least three nights, staying at a campground in Canmore, which is about 15 miles from the park.  While trying to get there, however, the rv starting overheating again first thing, so we turned around, only to have it stop again (like a thermostat sticking) so we then made it to Canmore.  Jim made an appointment to have it checked out at a Cummins garage in Calgary on Tuesday, so we will take it back there Tuesday morning.

The campground in Canmore is very nice, but the wifi here is even worse than at the last campground. Their laundry is closed down, and the showers are pay showers, which irks the guests around here. There are new condos being built on the property, so it looks like the campground is just open until that is finished.

Did I mention it has been raining for the last week or so? It has rained every day, sometimes all day, so our outdoor time is pretty limited right now.

Year Four - Day Nineteen

Summer's View

A rainy drive today to cross the border into Canada. It started raining about 100 miles from Great Falls, when we discovered the windshield was leaking. Bummer. So now we have to stop at a Speedy Glass place somewhere along the trip to have it repaired (under their warranty).

After waiting in line at the border for 20 minutes, and watching them pull every car ahead of us over for inspection, we were whisked right through without a hitch! On to Calgary!

Our ultimate destination is Banff National Park, but we are going to stop in Calgary for the night. The rv was trying to run hot when we first started off this morning, but it seems to have settled down for the rest of the trip.

The campground here is right next to the Olympic Park where the winter Olympics were held in Calgary - HUGE ski jump!!  The campground is an old KOA, but it is in pretty rough shape. Internet service is practically nonexistent, but there is a cool nature trail around the park.

Year Four - Day Eighteen

Summer's View

After dropping off the rv to have the windshield replaced, we all loaded into the car and headed out to the Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge to look for some birds to add to our list. We were not disappointed!

In the fields along the road to the center, we spotted a ring-necked pheasant - gorgeous! After stopping at the visitor center, we drove around the lake loop road. Before we reached the water, we saw a gray partridge, which was also a new one for us.

Once we reached the water, we identified about 20 more birds to add to our list!  Woo hoo!  I don't remember them all now, but I know we saw woodcocks, curlews, yellow headed blackbird, Northern Shovelers, and Cinnamon Teals, among a lot of others!  It was a great birding day!

Sorry, no pics - I don't have the right equipment to shoot those kinds of close ups so you can actually see a bird and identify it in a pic. :)

Year Four - Day Seventeen

Summer's View

We went to Giant Springs to walk around and check out the spring that bubbles over into the Missouri River here.  It was very clear, and the fish and birds seemed to like it as much as the people!

There was also a fish hatchery there, and there were millions of little trout in various stages of growth waiting to be released.  A few big ones were hanging around for admiration and to make the fishermen's mouths water. :)

We also drove down the river to check out one of the nearby dams, which was keeping the water flow extremely low that day. There are five waterfalls along this stretch of the river, dropping a total of 360 feet.

Year Four - Day Sixteen

Summer's View

The windshield will be replaced on Friday here in Great Falls, MT, so we have a couple of days to hang out.

Today we went to the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center along the Missouri River.  During their great exploration, Lewis and Clark and their party had to portage their canoes and supplies around Great Falls (which is actually five separate falls), so they travelled 18 miles overland.  These "canoes" were massive, and it looks like it was very tough work to move these things across the prairie.

We liked the center, and it was extremely informative and on a beautiful location overlooking the river. Sam definitely knows a lot about the Lewis and Clark expedition!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Year Four - Day Fifteen

Summer's View

We drove through some familiar territory today as we headed north toward Great Falls.  Last year, this was the route we took to visit Glacier National Park.  Many beautiful green fields and pronghorns later, we arrived in Great Falls, MT.  We will have the glass replaced on Friday, if all goes well, so we will stay at the KOA here for four nights.

This KOA is awesome! The sights are almost hidden from each other with all the vegetation here, and they have a small water park in their swimming area! Sam is in heaven!  There is a cool nature walk trail about a mile long, and they are right on the edge of town.  We should have some fun exploring Great Falls!

Year Four - Day Fourteen

Summer's View

Today we head north toward our long trek to AK!!  We are heading toward Great Falls, MT and we will see how far we get.

After a couple of hours, we noticed a crack forming on the windshield, starting in the driver's side bottom corner.  As we drive, it seems to be growing.  Bummer! We will have to have it replaced before we cross into Canada.

A few phone calls later, after getting into "civilization" with cell phone service, we have decided to have the glass replaced in Great Falls.  We will not make it that far tonight, so we are stopping overnight at the KOA in Billings, MT.  We stayed here last year for a few days - it is the oldest KOA.

Year Four - Day Thirteen

Summer's View

An all day rain has set in, so the guys are headed to the indoor water park! Matt and Michele and their kids went with Jim and Sam to Watiki Water Park, just up the street from the campground.  I opted to stay in and do laundry that had been piling up for over a week - yikes! 

Paperwork and laundry just barely got finished before they came home and we packed up to spend the evening at our friends' house, cooking up some burgers, and homemade mac-n-cheese.  After dinner, we watched a movie to wrap up our last evening together.

We had such a great time visiting our friends!!

Year Four - Day Twelve

Summer's View

An early start to the day took us to the Crazy Horse monument for one of their bi-annual Volksmarch events! It is a 6.2 mile hike that takes us to the top of the monument, which is usually inaccessible to the public. The weather was a little cool, in the 40's with light rain moving in, but we went for it.

Some of the pathways were a little muddy and pretty steep (from a flatlander's point of view) but we made it! The fog, or clouds, was moving in, but we snapped a couple of pics before it got too covered up.  There were lots of folks there, and it was an awesome hike!

On the way out, we stopped for lunch in Hill City at the Bumpin' Buffalo. Good food, good REALLY cold beer, and great friends - nothing better!

Matt came over to the RV later to hang out with Jim and they spent the night solving all the world's problems. :)

Year Four - Day Eleven

Summer's View

After a yummy breakfast at the 1950's Train Diner at 1880 Town, we toured the place for about an hour, strolling down the wooden sidewalks of the town.  They have a display room filled with movie props that were used in the making of "Dances With Wolves" because that movie was shot in South Dakota and close by.  A horse named Buck owned by one of the local ranches was Kevin Costner's main horse in the movie, so they had lots of footage of him.

The buildings were all in pretty good shape, and it was interesting to see a glimpse of life 130 years ago in the west.  The world has changed a great deal in such a short time.

We left there and finished our trek west on this leg to end up at the KOA in Rapid City, SD.  It is a really nice place, and close to our friends' house, too!

We took Matt and Michele and their kid's out to eat at a local restaurant called Minerva's. It was very good, and we all enjoyed ourselves.  Great times visiting with old friends!

Year Four - Day Ten

Summer's View

We continued our drive today toward Rapid City, going through a little bad weather along the way. At one point a tornado warning came up on the cell phone, and we went through some hail about the size of a quarter! Yikes!

Our stop for the night is at Belvedere, SD in a KOA just off the highway.  There is a cool place here called 1880 Town, so we are going to eat breakfast there and check it out in the morning before we finish up this leg of the trip.

Year Four - Day Nine

Summer's View

We started the long drive toward Rapid City, SD today.  A day on the road took us around Chicago with some good views, and next to the Dells of Wisconsin, which looked inviting!  We stopped for the night at the KOA in Oakdale, WI.  It was an uneventful but long driving day as we make our way west.

Year Four - Day Eight

Summer's View

We spent the day with Bob and Elane, with Jim and Sam going to the Gilmore Car Museum for a few hours, while Elane and I went for a good walk around her new neighborhood and hit a couple of thrift stores in town.  Two of my favorite activities!!

They took us out to dinner at a local place called Maria's which was very good! We ate too much, as usual. Another nice cool night for sleeping!

Year Four - Day Seven

Summer's View

Today we arrived at our friend's house, Bob and Elane in Sturgis, MI! This is their new house, so we got to tour it for the first time. It is beautiful, and they have fixed it up very nicely! They even had an RV hookup for our power right next to their garage, so we were all set! Woo hoo!  We call it Bob and Elane's B&B.  :)

We all spent a great afternoon just hanging out and talking. They fed us lunch and dinner - you can't beat that!!  For dinner they made something they called hobo dinner, and it was yummy!  The weather was perfect for a good night's sleep.

Year Four - Day Six

Summer's View

We left TN this morning, heading toward Sturgis, MI to visit our friends. It is too long to drive in one day, so we will stop overnight somewhere in OH.

Our overnight spot is in a KOA Campground in Findlay, OH. The campground is very nice, with two lakes, one for fishing and one for swimming. Sam and Jim tried them both out! :) They caught tons of little fish, to Sam's delight, and they all went back in the lake. It has been a nice, quiet evening.

Year Four - Day Five

Summer's View

Today was a Sam and Daddy day! I stayed home and did some housecleaning and paperwork.

They went to a small town outside of Gatlinburg called Townsend to go tubing on the river. After 3 hours and two trips, they were sunburned and tired! :) But they had a lot of fun!

After I did my chores, I took a walk and walked to town and back, getting back after they did! I have been walking about 3 miles a day before we left Florida, but we didn't have these hills back there! Whew!

A good cookout on the grill finished up the day, and tomorrow we are back on the road.

Year Four - Day Four

Summer's View

Today we went to The Track, which is one of the many kart racing tracks in the area. They also have water bumper boats, bumper cars, and mini golf. Sam is in heaven!!

We spent about 3 hours driving, and golfing, and driving some more. Sam and Daddy got soaked on the bumper boats, then Sam was shivering after a couple more kart races. :) I won the mini golf, so I got to pick dinner! Yay!

After a couple of hours of relax time back at the camper, we went to Gatlinburg to walk around and eat dinner. We parked at the welcome center and took the trolley into town, because parking was hard to find. Gatlinburg looked pretty much as I remembered it, just busier. After strolling around town a little while, we ate at an Italian Restaurant, which had excellent food and garlic rolls to die for! Mmm-mm! A quick stop at a shooting gallery for me to show off my shooting skills and get the highest score, and then we went to the Ripley's Aquarium.

The aquarium was much larger than I had anticipated, and they had lots of variety there! The shark pool with the tunnel underneath was cool, and longer than any other I have been to before. We got to touch a jellyfish, which was new!

By the time we got home, it was about 10 pm, and Buster was VERY happy to see us! :)

Year Four - Day Three

Summer's View

Hiking today in Great Smoky Mountains National Park!  After stopping to get Sam's first official National Park Stamp of the trip, we drove into the park. We were going to hike the Alum Cave Bluffs trail, which is about 5 miles roundtrip, but Jim was getting worried that we didn't bring enough supplies, so we switched gears and drove further into the park to hike somewhere else.

We drove to Cades Cove Loop, which is an 11 mile one-way loop through an historic section of the park. A couple of times we saw some white-tailed deer munching on some field hay or walking through the woods, but no other wildlife, aside from some wild turkeys. Butterflies were everywhere in clumps, so they must have been emerging from their cocoons in the area. We stopped at a trailhead for the Abrams Falls Trail, which is a 5 mile roundtrip hike, but a little more moderate.

It was a nice hike through the woods, along a stream, with three climbs and descents, but not too bad. At the end was Abrams Falls, a nice waterfall with lots of big rocks to take a seat while eating a snack. It rained lightly during most of the hike, which actually felt nice to help keep it cooler.

After a long drive back to Pigeon Forge, we ate at Sonic - Sam's pick! :) Then back to the camper for showers and swims before snooze time.

Year Four - Day Two

Summer's View

We have arrived in Gatlinburg, TN! I was last here in 1984, and boy, has it grown! Wow! Pigeon Forge was just a dusty spot on the roadside, and now it is hopping! I never saw so many race kart tracks in one place!

Our campground is nice, although the site is not level, and we can't seem to get it completely level even with the jacks. It is not too bad, but Jim is worried about the big slide, wondering if it will come back in. Let's hope so!

Sam and I walked down the road to explore an abandoned barn that was full of interesting stuff from the past to try to figure out. 

We rested up, the guys swam, and then we went out to eat at a local steakhouse called the Alamo Steakhouse. Expensive, but very good food! Their nachos were really different than any I have ever seen before, but very tasty! Even Sam scarfed down his food, so it must have been good!

After we sleep off all this food, we are going to hike tomorrow.

Year Four - Day One

Summer's View

We are finally on the road!! A little later this year than last year, but the weather is better, so all is good. After a long winter of musical chairs with personnel at the businesses, and LOTS of training, and then more training...and lots of raking, we are out of Dodge! :)

Just a driving day today to put some miles between us and St. Pete. Our first official stop is going to be in Gatlinburg, TN for a few days. So far, everything seems to be working correctly, so let's cross our fingers it stays that way!

We have stopped at a rest stop in GA to sleep until morning. Snooze time!