Thursday, June 19, 2014

Year Four - Day Twenty

Summer's View

Before leaving Calgary, Sam and I went to the Spark Science Center for him to check it out. He played and learned, and had a blast for a couple of hours, and then we went back to get the rv on the road.

The plan was to drive to the Banff area today to camp for at least three nights, staying at a campground in Canmore, which is about 15 miles from the park.  While trying to get there, however, the rv starting overheating again first thing, so we turned around, only to have it stop again (like a thermostat sticking) so we then made it to Canmore.  Jim made an appointment to have it checked out at a Cummins garage in Calgary on Tuesday, so we will take it back there Tuesday morning.

The campground in Canmore is very nice, but the wifi here is even worse than at the last campground. Their laundry is closed down, and the showers are pay showers, which irks the guests around here. There are new condos being built on the property, so it looks like the campground is just open until that is finished.

Did I mention it has been raining for the last week or so? It has rained every day, sometimes all day, so our outdoor time is pretty limited right now.

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