Friday, July 1, 2011

Day Twelve

Day twelve was spent on an activity that I have been wanting to try for a couple of years, but could never find a place that would let Sam participate – most have an age limitation of 10 years old and above – ziplining!!  We went to Ziplining at Richland Creek and they offer a course with a minimum weight of 45 pounds, so Sam qualified!  Woo-hoo!!  We got all geared up, and ready to go on the course – fourteen different lines that would take us through the canopy above the woods and ravines, and over the Richland Creek.  Another family of four was in our group, along with three guides that “showed us the ropes” and went with us every step of the way.  The two children in the other family were only six and eight years old, so it was a good mix for us all.  It was also the first time for all of us to zipline!

After the practice run, Sam and the six year old girl from the other family were not too gung-ho about the idea, but after some cajoling (and a ride one time on Daddy’s lap) everyone was on board for the rest of the trips.  A couple of the runs were 1100 feet long, and one was even 1400 feet long, so it was cool.  Halfway through the course, we stopped for a walk along Richland Creek, then we got sprayed with a “waterfall” on our next zipline trip!  Okay, so it generated by a pump, but still refreshing on a hot day!  After the last trip, the kids were already talking about the “next time” so it was a successful day!  And it was only lunchtime!

Once we got back to the coach, we ate lunch and realized we were beat!  We all took naps, and stayed in the rest of the night – who knew ziplining could be so exhausting?!  J

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