Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day Twelve - Year Two

We headed to Little Rock today.  Our first stop was the Clinton Presidential Center and the Presidential Library.  It was a beautiful building and setting.  An old railroad bridge crossing the river has been converted to a pedestrian bridge, so we had to check it out afterwards.  We saw some barges in action, so Sam was excited to see that!

There were lots of interesting displays and there was a copy of the Oval Office and the Cabinet Room.  The amount of information about his eight years in office was monumental - it really makes you realize that a lot happens in a short amount of time!  I have never been a Clinton fan, but the library is a great display of history.

We then took the free shuttle ride to the Riverfront district and had some lunch.  Mexican food - yum!  We then walked over a bridge to check out the Nature Center - beautifully done!  Outside their windows were several bird feeders that were busy, and a young ground hog was helping himself to the seeds on the ground!

Inside was the biggest display of old fishing lures I have ever seen - quite colorful!

We then looked around the Clinton Museum Store, and caught the shuttle back to the parking lot.  It was pretty hot out, so when we checked out the temp gauge in the car, it said it was 100 degrees!  Whew!

We then drove through town and stopped at the Big Dam Bridge, which is another pedestrian bridge built over a dam and lock.  Because it was all out in the sun, Sam and I opted to wait in the shade while James braved the heat and walked to the top.  He got a couple of good pics to share.

That finished up the day for us - on the way back to Hot Springs we passed a bank with the temperature on display - 103 degrees!  Yikes!  Thank goodness the humidity wasn't too bad!

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