Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day Twenty-Four - Year Two

We drove through Leo G. Simmons Wildlife Safari park.  This was a cool place!   Right away we saw a herd of male elk with HUGE racks of antlers!  They were beautiful!  As we continued to drive through, we saw wild turkeys, and then we stopped at their bear and wolf exhibit and trail to walk around and check them out.  Also, a few bald eagles that had been injured and could no longer fly were in their aviary.  An educational area had a few items on display, including a full set of elk antlers.  Sam could not even lift them both at the same time!

After our walk through the lake trail, we continued on our drive to pass by pelican island with several white pelicans hanging out.  Then we drove by the wetland area where the sandhill cranes gather every year during their migration.  We saw about a dozen of them hanging around, but they were being overwhelmed by a flock of Canadian geese that had claimed the area for the day.
The next section contained several female elk wandering through the woodlands and fields.  Then we came upon the herd of bison in the park – beautiful animals!  They even had a couple of white bison in the herd!
On our way out, we stopped at their nature center to check out the bobcats and kestrels.  A winter wren was teasing one of the bobcats, flying into her cage and letting her chase her out.  J

Right down the road from the safari park is the Strategic Air Command Museum, so went to that next.  Sam was excited because they had lots of new planes that he had not seen before – and this boy has seen a lot of planes!  It was a cool really close encounter, as you were allowed to walk right under them and touch them, unlike a lot of the plane museums.  A few of these planes were HUGE!

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