Sunday, August 24, 2014

Year Four - Day Eighty-Six

Sam’s View
Today we did a hike to Fort McGilvray! We saw old bunkers, Stellers Jays, and when we got there we took pictures inside the water control room and we saw ghost orbs! Yayyyyy!
Summer’s View
Our last day in Seward, we went on a hike in Caine’s Head State Park. This is the site of Fort McGilvray, a fort that was built during WWII to protect the bay from invaders. The fort is in ruins now, and can be explored by hikers who travel the 2 ½ mile trail to check it out.
The hike through the woods was gorgeous! It was a rainforest environment, with mosses growing over everything. The fort was at the top of the bluff, and we used our flashlights to explore the inside and take some “ghost” pics.  Some of the pics captured some orbs, so…..who knows??!!
It was a good hike, and Sam and Jim had a good time back at the beach skipping stones while we waited for the water taxi to take us back.

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