Saturday, May 11, 2013

Year Three - Day Fifteen

Sam's View

Today we did some hiking and some birding at Mammoth Cave. On our hike we saw a cave called Dixon Cave. About a million years ago Dixon Cave connected to Mammoth Cave, but about 300,000 years ago the end of Dixon Cave collapsed and the historical entrance was opened. We also saw some cool birds!

Summer's View

The park around Mammoth Cave is beautiful, lush and green this time of year!  We hiked a couple of trails, only going about two miles, but the flora was beautiful.  We checked out the River Styx Spring, and also saw a portion of the Green River, which runs part of its course under Mammoth Cave.  Both were running at very high levels from all the recent rainfall.  Sam forgot to say he also found a cool centipede hiding under some leaves!

River Styx Spring

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