Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Year Three - Day Ninety-Six

Sam's View

Today we went to the Wings and Waves waterpark! It is right next to the Evergreen Aviation Museum! Inside they had a wave pool, a spinny watery thingy, a big water playground thing, and they even have 4 different waterslides coming out of a Boeing 747 on the roof! I went on all of them. It was awesome!

Summer's View

I stayed home while the guys went to the waterpark.  Sounds like they had a blast, and I got to relax with Buster.

Jim's View

Waterpark day. After a two hour drive we arrived around noon. As Sam says above, it is an indoor waterpark with a 747 parked on top. And from there the rest is all about getting wet. I managed to last till around 5:30 and I was wave pooled and water slided out. Sam managed to meet a couple friends to help him continue his water adventures. The park closed at 8 PM and we were out of the showers on the way to the exit when the clock just changed to 8:00 PM. Sam managed to stay awake the whole way home keeping me company, just before we pulled in though he said he was going right to bed! It was a good day.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Year Three - Day Ninety-Five

Sam's View

Today we went to the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum in McMinnville, OR! they have the largest plane ever flown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the Spruce Goose! it has a wingspan longer than a football field!, a tailspan wider then the wingspan of a b-17 bomber!, a tailfin higher then an 8-story building!, and they filled the floats with beachballs! it was AWESOME!!!!! right next to the museum is a waterpark with a boeing 747 on top of the building! the 747 had 4 waterslides coming out of the sides!!!!!!!!!! it was also awesome!

Summer's View

We drove down to the Wings and Waves Air Museum in McMinnville, OR.  It is an air museum, but it also has a separate area that is a waterpark!  Now that is unique!  We got a late start, so we didn't get there until 2:00 pm, and had three hours to see the museum and watch a short film.

The main reason we HAD to go there was because this is the home of the Spruce Goose, which is the largest plane ever built that flew!  It was designed and built by Howard Hughes back in the 1940's.  Needless to say, this thing is MASSIVE!  It was impossible to get it all in one photograph!  There was an interesting short film about the construction of the plane, and it also covered the history of it right up until it was moved and displayed at this museum.

Another short film we watched while there was a 3D film about some different people who responded as rescuers after the earthquake in Haiti.  It was very good, and showed some different perspectives on the event.

Of course, there were planes galore, and they also had a separate building that housed the space museum.  They had lots of cool artifacts from many different space missions.

Jim's View
Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum also known as the home of the Spruce Goose. A pretty big plane and a pretty cool place. We have been to several aviation and space museums the past couple of years and everyone has been a great day. This was no exception. Always something new to see and learn.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Year Three - Day Ninety-Four

Sams View

Today we went to lava canyon! it is a 3.6 mile hike over waterfalls, across gorges, and even on the side of cliffs sort of. It was amazing :).

Summer's View

Our hike today was one I found online and it was originally paired with the Ape Canyon hike as one day - glad we split it up! Whew!  We drove out to Lava Canyon, which is down the road from Ape Canyon and on the back side of Mount St. Helen's.  It was 3.6 miles roundtrip, with the first half being downhill, and second half being uphill.  Oh boy!

About half-a-mile in, we came to the suspension bridge, which was built for workers originally, and is an actual swinging bridge with wooden planks on cables strung across the gorge.  Way cool!!

After that, we continued along the stream, and the path became quite narrow, following along the side of the mountain with a sheer cliff drop-off!  Sam was a little nervous, but it was a sight!  Close to the bottom and the turnaround point was an 80 foot metal ladder to descend, which was another nervous but fun point for Sam!  :)

We had lunch streamside after "plummeting" down a loose rocky hillside to get  Then, it was time for trek back.  The whole way was uphill, and although my muscles were tired, it was a combination of heat exhaustion and altitude that made me take quite a few "rests" along the way.  :)  I finally made it out, though, and it was definitely an awesome hike!!

Jim's View
Yep, we went to Lava Canyon, which is located on the south side of Mt St Helen. South side being the opposite of her northern side where she blew her top. The canyon was one of the few times Mt St Helen actually dribbled out some lava. A great hike. A  lot of the trail was goat narrow with a sheer cliff to the river below. They had signs warning of fatalities. My phrase of the day was "stay focused". We made it to the river, and took a little lunch break and soaked our feet in the nice cold water. I even showed Summer and Sam how to properly descent and loose gravel embankment... :) . The hike back up was a lot harder, gravity or something. We all made it and treated ourselves to an ice cream later for a hike well done.


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Year Three - Ninety-Three

Sam's View

Today we moved sites. after that we went to the Lewis and Clark interpitive center. they had a lot of cool stuff there. they had a spotting scope so you could watch the boats and birds. I even saw 3 new birds! after that we went to the beach and the waves were big. I had a lot of fun.

Summer's View

I opted to stay home today, and Sam and Jim drove over to check out the coast.  I caught up on some paperwork and reading.

Jim's View

Well first things first, we moved two whole sites, from 12 to 10. Still takes a bit to tear down and set back up. This is one of the better parks though. The sites are nice and wide. Lots of room to put the awning out and not feel like you neighbor is watching tv right over your shoulder.

Later Sam and I headed down the road. Two plus hours down the road. We went to the end of the Lewis & Clark Expedition to the Pacific Ocean. It was a great museum, and Sam's schooling continues (as well as mine). After school we went to beach, the beaches out here are vast and empty. The population in the surrounding areas vs available beaches, mountains, volcanoes, rivers, etc is small, so every beach has been basically peopleless. This one had lots of waves, riptides, and few people. There is always driftwood out here and people always have fires going on the beach. Not at all like our warm Florida beaches. Sam had a blast, it was a good day, and a long drive home.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Year Three - Day Ninety-two

Sam's View

Stay home day.

Summer's View

Off day - zzzzzzzzzz!

Jim's View

Relax at home and a work day. Getting close to end of month which means lots of paperwork, just ask Summer! I did finally notify the office that we wanted to stay a couple more days. They said no problem, but you have to move sites. So, tomorrow is a move day.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Year Three - Day Ninety-One

Sam's View

Today we did a hike. Something normal. What makes it different is doing a hike in a lava tube! That is what we did and it was AWESOME!

Summer's View

Today our hike was underground - we hiked through Ape Cave, which is actually a lava tube formed thousands of years ago from an eruption of the volcano!  It was pitch black, 42 degrees, and awesome!  I did the short end of the cave, which was a 3/4 mile hike each way, then Sam and Jim opted to hike the longer end, which added another 3 miles on their hike.  I decided to sit that one out since it involved climbing over rock piles and my back is still not 100%.  While they hiked, I found a shady parking spot to eat my lunch and have a nap!  :)

Jim's View

We went for a little 4.5 mile hike today, most of it underground. We hiked a lava tube. Definitely cool. No guides, just the three of us for the first part, then Sam and I took on the "original man cave" of the tube. We hiked over rocks, around rocks, and sometimes our heads "touched" the rocks. Sam did it! We had our miners lamps on and did it in the dark. Rocks, darkness, a good underground hike.... it was a bonding moment. Awesome day. Good job Sam!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Year Three - Day Ninety

Sam;s View

Today we went to Mt St Helens National Volcanic Monument! We got a lot of good pictures. :)  We went to Johnston Ridge Observatory which is 5½ miles from the volcano! It was amazing.  :)

Summer's View

We drove the scenic route to view Mount St. Helen's, stopping at all of the visitor centers along the way.  This was an awesome day!  Each of the visitor centers had a different theme that centered around the eruption, and they had tons of photos, stories from survivors, and films to see.  One of the visitor centers had the best wildlife and plant life displays I have ever seen displayed for hands-on experience!

Our final stop was the Johnston Ridge Observatory, which is the closest to the volcano, as Sam said above.  What a view!  Park rangers gave some fascinating talks and showed photos of the activity since the big explosion, as well.

Jim's View

We had a nice driving day up to Mt St Helen. Wow, what a learning experience. If you are ever out here, come here. It is hard to put in words the experience. Summer and I have tried and we think that to see an earth geological event, with a timeline of thousands and thousands of years, but in a perspective of recently having happened (30+ years), you get a chance to understand earth in motion. I mean a lot has happened in 30 years, there is healing, the mountain is growing again, you can see the pace of mother nature coming back vs Weyerhaeuser replanting the 1000's of acres they own, you can see exactly how the eruption went down as the earth has not covered it up yet, it is just amazing. I don't know. But my general rule of thumb, that I know only 10 to the -23 of what there is to know was reinforced today and I don't mean Sam kicking my butt in Wordament either. Speaking of Sam, as you can see sometimes he just does not get my Zen moments, and then other times he himself has it all figured out!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Year Three - Day Eighty-Nine

Sam's View

Today we traveled to Kelso, WA.

Summer's View

We left Olympic National Park area and headed south toward Mount St. Helen's.  Our space is reserved at the Brook Hollow RV park in Kelso, WA, which is about an hour west of the mountain.  Along the way, we drove along the Hood Canal on a winding road.  It was beautiful scenery and quaint towns we passed through before hitting I-5 for the last leg.

Jim's View

Not sure where we are, but then I rarely do. I can say we're "here". It is a beautiful blue sky day with a nice cool breeze, and our new homestead is setup. I am kicking back with a couple of "Alaskan Amber - Alt Style Ales" (if you can't go there, you may as well drink their beer) and watching my nightly news in my outdoor man cave. As the t-shirt says, "Life is Good".

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Year Three - Day Eighty-Eight

Sam's View

Today we went to the Hoh Rainforest National Park. There was a huge spruce tree about 370’ tall!


Summer's View

We hiked in the Hoh Rain Forest which is in Olympic National Park.  Beautiful old growth forests covered in mosses in some areas, which is a testament to the amount of rainfall they receive each year in this area.  The rainfall amounts vary greatly by region within this state, however, depending on which side of the mountains you are on!  Sam also saw at least one new bird to add to his list while here, also.

Jim's View

What did we do today? Oh ya, went to the rain forest. Summer drove, usually that is my job, but apparently she is getting sick on all the curves. So anyways, now I get sick with all the curves!

Looks like we are heading out tomorrow. As we are no longer going to Alaska this year, we are heading south. We are heading to Mt St Helen area. Should be interesting. Looking forward to it.

Oh, if you want to look thin, wear a tree!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Year Three - Day Eighty-Seven

Sam's View

Today we went to hurricane ridge in Olympic National Park. We saw a lot of deer! When we got to the visitor center, there were some live deer right next to the door! That was really cool.  :)


Summer's View

We drove into Olympic National Park today and went up to Hurricane Ridge for views of the mountains.  What a view!  We happened to be there during a park ranger presentation, so we heard a little about the wildlife in the area.  While there, three deer were bedding down right next to the visitor center, covered in bushes and grass so most people never even noticed them!

In the Discovery Room, Jim and Sam had a bear encounter.

Jim's View

Just awesome!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Year Three - Day Eighty-Six

Sam's View

Today was a stay home day.

Summer's View

Sleep day for me - the twisty bouncy roads yesterday made me carsick and I have a headache to sleep off.  zzzzz

Jim's View

Hanging out day. Talked with neighbors and got a little insight into driving to Alaska. Basically slow down for little orange flags as there are frost heaves ahead. Sounds like a lot of people beat up their rigs going too fast. Hmmm.... good thing I took care of the need for speed a few years back.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Year Three - Day Eighty-Five

Sam's View

Today we went to 3 different beaches! We went to 3 beaches to look for tidepools and on the 2nd beach we found tidepools! YAY!! We saw a lot of starfish and anemones! That was awesome!  :)

Summer's View

We were looking for tidal pools, so we drove over to La Push, which is in Olympic National Park.  At the First Beach (of three) there was a festival going on that day, and it was pretty crowded.  We walked around a little, but ended up going down the road to check out Second Beach.  To get to the beach, we walked through a jungle-like trail, leading down to the rocky beach.  Although there were no tide pools, there were lots of boulders and rock formations covered with sea stars and anemones. 

Sam spent lots of time climbing and digging, and it was a good day!

On our way out, we passed some folks taking their llamas for a walk - only in WA!

Jim's View

Still looking for tidal pools. Pretty cool drive around Crescent Lake. Amazing woods out here. And yes, we found some tidal pools. Sam had a blast and got to practice his rock climbing skills.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Year Three - Day Eighty-Four

Sam's View

Today we went to Cape Flattery, WA. It is the most northern point in WA! It was about a 1 mile hike. When we got to the end, we saw lots of starfish! On the way back to the rv we stopped at a beach at low tide! You could go out a long ways. We also found some pieces of kelp that were about 20 feet long but they can get to over 200 feet long!

Summer's View

Today we drove up to the farthest point north on this peninsula - Cape Flattery.  Once we went over the mountains, the weather got cloudier and colder.  It was in the 50's when we got there and we were dressed in shorts!  Good thing we brought long sleeved shirts (except for Jim who doesn't get cold).  An awesome trail through the woods and along some old boardwalks brought us to the cliff's edge. 

On the way back, we stopped over for a look at the Salt Creek State Park area, and Sam and Jim walked around in the water's edge and some tide pools to check it out.  They found some huge pieces of sea kelp, and we all marveled at how long these things actually get!

Buster got to come along and see the action, too.  He enjoyed walking in the water's edge, and was fascinated by a couple of dead crabs.

Jim's View

We were told by the front desk we could get the furthest most northern point in lower 48. With a long drive an awesome little hike, I think we made it. Not sure where we were, but I am sticking with northern most point (ok... on the peninsula). On the drive up we saw another logging truck flipped on a 15 mph hair pin curve. Everyone is in a hurry.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Year Three - Day Eight-Three

Sam's View

Today we drove to Port Angeles, WA.

Summer's View

We FINALLY left the campsite at the KOA - I think everyone thought we were living there! :)  We drove over to a campground just west of Port Angeles, WA, and near Olympic National Park.  Coming over a drawbridge, we were delayed for about 15 minutes while it was shutdown for an accident down the road.

Jim's View

Travel day! That means I get to drive. Taking in the scenery is a favorite pastime. Anyways, we made it safe and sound and now we are somewhere in the Olympic National Park area. Oh, we did see a lumber truck flipped over on one of the 15 mph curves. Well, rig is all set up and now this is home.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Year Three - Day Eighty Two

Sam's View

Summer's View

Today Daddy is coming home!  Woo hoo!  Sam and I are hanging out, doing laundry, housecleaning, etc.  Sam is catching up on some minecrafting and playground action.
We picked up Jim around 5:30, and all is well!!

Jim's View

Today I am adding my "view". A little editing note: Sam is catching up! He has fallen behind and his schoolwork assignment is to catch up. I think he is currently on July 6th. Keep your eyes open. They will be short and sweet posts, as that is his way to go faster.

Today I arrived home. Home being with my family. What a great feeling!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Year Three - Days Eighty and Eighty-One

Summer's View

Our plan for the day is to hit a bunch of thrift stores in the small towns around this area on a treasure hunt, of sorts.  I look for books, Sam looks for Beanie Babies.  Yes, Grammy, he is still collecting those things, thank you!  LOL

We had a good day driving around and looking for treasure, with a Dairy Queen stop thrown in for energy replacement.  :)

The next day we drove back to Point Defiance Park in Tacoma.  We went there to the zoo the other day, but there is actually a whole park full of trails, woods, a marina, a beach, etc. to check out.  We drove the five mile loop around the park first, then parked at the beach area to do a two mile hike.  Again, Buster got to come along, so he was ready to roll!  During the hike, we put Buster's special hiker's water bowl to good use, and he was grateful!

From one viewpoint, we caught a glimpse of the Tacoma Narrow's Bridge.  For history buffs, this one replaced the original bridge that was nicknamed "Gallopin' Gertie" because it used to twist in the wind.  One particularly windy day brought the bridge down, and she lies in the waters below the current one today.  There have been several tv shows with real footage from this twisting bridge, and it is a sight to see if you look it up!

After the hike, we spent a couple hours at the beach so Sam could dig, and play, and dig, and play,....  The beach was more rocks than sand, but that didn't seem to slow him down.  Buster and I relaxed in the grass, people and dog watching.

When Sam cooled down, we had an ice cream break, and then he climbed around on the sandy hills by the beach area.  They went straight up, with lots of tree roots and rocks to climb on - a kid's dream!  Buster was worn out, and slept on the drive home.  :)