Saturday, July 20, 2013

Year Three - Day Eighty-Five

Sam's View

Today we went to 3 different beaches! We went to 3 beaches to look for tidepools and on the 2nd beach we found tidepools! YAY!! We saw a lot of starfish and anemones! That was awesome!  :)

Summer's View

We were looking for tidal pools, so we drove over to La Push, which is in Olympic National Park.  At the First Beach (of three) there was a festival going on that day, and it was pretty crowded.  We walked around a little, but ended up going down the road to check out Second Beach.  To get to the beach, we walked through a jungle-like trail, leading down to the rocky beach.  Although there were no tide pools, there were lots of boulders and rock formations covered with sea stars and anemones. 

Sam spent lots of time climbing and digging, and it was a good day!

On our way out, we passed some folks taking their llamas for a walk - only in WA!

Jim's View

Still looking for tidal pools. Pretty cool drive around Crescent Lake. Amazing woods out here. And yes, we found some tidal pools. Sam had a blast and got to practice his rock climbing skills.

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