Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Year Three - Days Eighty and Eighty-One

Summer's View

Our plan for the day is to hit a bunch of thrift stores in the small towns around this area on a treasure hunt, of sorts.  I look for books, Sam looks for Beanie Babies.  Yes, Grammy, he is still collecting those things, thank you!  LOL

We had a good day driving around and looking for treasure, with a Dairy Queen stop thrown in for energy replacement.  :)

The next day we drove back to Point Defiance Park in Tacoma.  We went there to the zoo the other day, but there is actually a whole park full of trails, woods, a marina, a beach, etc. to check out.  We drove the five mile loop around the park first, then parked at the beach area to do a two mile hike.  Again, Buster got to come along, so he was ready to roll!  During the hike, we put Buster's special hiker's water bowl to good use, and he was grateful!

From one viewpoint, we caught a glimpse of the Tacoma Narrow's Bridge.  For history buffs, this one replaced the original bridge that was nicknamed "Gallopin' Gertie" because it used to twist in the wind.  One particularly windy day brought the bridge down, and she lies in the waters below the current one today.  There have been several tv shows with real footage from this twisting bridge, and it is a sight to see if you look it up!

After the hike, we spent a couple hours at the beach so Sam could dig, and play, and dig, and play,....  The beach was more rocks than sand, but that didn't seem to slow him down.  Buster and I relaxed in the grass, people and dog watching.

When Sam cooled down, we had an ice cream break, and then he climbed around on the sandy hills by the beach area.  They went straight up, with lots of tree roots and rocks to climb on - a kid's dream!  Buster was worn out, and slept on the drive home.  :)

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