Thursday, July 25, 2013

Year Three - Day Ninety

Sam;s View

Today we went to Mt St Helens National Volcanic Monument! We got a lot of good pictures. :)  We went to Johnston Ridge Observatory which is 5½ miles from the volcano! It was amazing.  :)

Summer's View

We drove the scenic route to view Mount St. Helen's, stopping at all of the visitor centers along the way.  This was an awesome day!  Each of the visitor centers had a different theme that centered around the eruption, and they had tons of photos, stories from survivors, and films to see.  One of the visitor centers had the best wildlife and plant life displays I have ever seen displayed for hands-on experience!

Our final stop was the Johnston Ridge Observatory, which is the closest to the volcano, as Sam said above.  What a view!  Park rangers gave some fascinating talks and showed photos of the activity since the big explosion, as well.

Jim's View

We had a nice driving day up to Mt St Helen. Wow, what a learning experience. If you are ever out here, come here. It is hard to put in words the experience. Summer and I have tried and we think that to see an earth geological event, with a timeline of thousands and thousands of years, but in a perspective of recently having happened (30+ years), you get a chance to understand earth in motion. I mean a lot has happened in 30 years, there is healing, the mountain is growing again, you can see the pace of mother nature coming back vs Weyerhaeuser replanting the 1000's of acres they own, you can see exactly how the eruption went down as the earth has not covered it up yet, it is just amazing. I don't know. But my general rule of thumb, that I know only 10 to the -23 of what there is to know was reinforced today and I don't mean Sam kicking my butt in Wordament either. Speaking of Sam, as you can see sometimes he just does not get my Zen moments, and then other times he himself has it all figured out!

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