Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Year Three - Day Seventy-Four

Sam's View

Today me and mommy went to the Point Defiance Zoo! They had a lot of animals there. They had a walrus, they had polar bears, they had tigers, and they even had angry looking Wallabies! :)

Summer's View

Our day out today was spent at the Point Defiance Zoo outside of Tacoma, WA.  It is located in a really cool area, called Point Defiance Park, which is located on a point looking out into the sound.  It was a really nice zoo and aquarium, and we got to see a walrus for the first time!  He was humongous! 

The polar bears were swimming and moving around, but the tiger wasn't cooperating when it was his feeding time.  The keeper kept trying to coax him down, but he wasn't interested!  :)  A good day!

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