Friday, July 19, 2013

Year Three - Day Eighty-Four

Sam's View

Today we went to Cape Flattery, WA. It is the most northern point in WA! It was about a 1 mile hike. When we got to the end, we saw lots of starfish! On the way back to the rv we stopped at a beach at low tide! You could go out a long ways. We also found some pieces of kelp that were about 20 feet long but they can get to over 200 feet long!

Summer's View

Today we drove up to the farthest point north on this peninsula - Cape Flattery.  Once we went over the mountains, the weather got cloudier and colder.  It was in the 50's when we got there and we were dressed in shorts!  Good thing we brought long sleeved shirts (except for Jim who doesn't get cold).  An awesome trail through the woods and along some old boardwalks brought us to the cliff's edge. 

On the way back, we stopped over for a look at the Salt Creek State Park area, and Sam and Jim walked around in the water's edge and some tide pools to check it out.  They found some huge pieces of sea kelp, and we all marveled at how long these things actually get!

Buster got to come along and see the action, too.  He enjoyed walking in the water's edge, and was fascinated by a couple of dead crabs.

Jim's View

We were told by the front desk we could get the furthest most northern point in lower 48. With a long drive an awesome little hike, I think we made it. Not sure where we were, but I am sticking with northern most point (ok... on the peninsula). On the drive up we saw another logging truck flipped on a 15 mph hair pin curve. Everyone is in a hurry.

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