Thursday, July 31, 2014

Year Four - Day Fifty-Four

Summer's View

Another rainy and cold day, but it cleared off a little in the afternoon. We drove up to the Denali National Park Visitor Center to check it out and get Sam’s park pass book stamped. They had some cool displays on the different wildlife located throughout the park.

We also took their bus down to the kennels to see the sled dog demonstration. This is the only national park that has a working sled dog team, so we learned about some of their routine and missions they complete each year. The dogs run between 3000 and 4000 miles every year on their patrols. Pretty amazing!  Sam loved petting the sled dogs.
We were planning to hike the trails around the entrance today, but it is raw and cold and rainy, with the temps in the 40’s and wind chills even lower, so we headed back to the warm RV.

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