Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Year Three - Day 102

Sam's View

Today was a stay home day. We went swimming and later we went out to eat.

Summer's View

Stay home day in the fog, had to hit the hot tub to warm up, but it was good!  :)

Jim's View

Another day in the cold damp Oregon beach. We have had the heater on ever since the 1st night arriving here. The first night here was the only time we actually saw a sunset. We are told this is Oregon.

All the beaches are public here and they love the rain as they say it is the one thing that ensures the Malibu Beach, CA crowd does not move here and then think they own the beaches. Sounds like a plan to me. Sam and I hit the pool and spa. Sam is great company at the pool, just plan on staying there for a while!

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