Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Year Three - Day 110

Sam's View

Today we went crabbing at 4:30 AM! ,’/ I was tired. But we went anyway and got 1 keeper! Yay! J after that we went to the Sandrail where you get in a 4x4 and ride around on big sand dunes and a beach! It was scary and fun. After that we went crabbing again and got 4 more keepers!!!!!  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Summer's View

We rented a four seater sand rail and zoomed around on the sand dunes today!  There was also a trail out to the beach, and we drove around on the beach for a while - it was something different for me and Sam, but Jim had driven in the dunes a lot when he was in the Marines.  It was loud, but fun!

When we got back, Sam wanted to show me how he and Daddy caught the Dungeness crabs, so I went over to check it out.  Awesome!  Sam was a bundle of energy, and loved it!  :)

Jim's View

The day started at 4:30 AM. Sam may have been jumping up and down last night wanting to go this morning, but he did not want to get out of his warm cozy bed when the time came. The crabbing bug eventually got him going, he was up and we were on our way to the docks. We were the only crabbers out this morning. It was just us and the fishermen who were on their way to work. We were doing great and even caught a keeper, that is until a local harbor seal stole our chicken bait from all three of our traps. We called it early, but we had fun, and as I said we had a keeper!  Woo hooo!

Later this afternoon we headed north to ride a few sand dunes. It seems OR has the longest, largest, something-est, sand dunes in the states. We had to watch a safety video, sign our lives away, strap ourselves in, and then off we went. The safety video got Sam a little nervous and worrying about rollovers, jumping off steep dunes, and just going too fast. He was a little nervous once the action began, but he toughed it out, and even had 5% fun. He said he was 95% adrenaline (fear) and 5% fun. Well, take it where you can get it. :)  After powering around in the dunes we drove over to the beach. We booked up and down the beach. Took a little break and then heading back to the dunes for a little longer before heading back to the shop. All in all it was a lot of fun. Loud, but fun. And Sam, well, he will tell you all about it.

When we got home it was around the evening high tide. Sam wanted to show mom, who had not been crabbing yet, what we had been up to the past couple days. Well Summer got to see lots of crabs. We were pulling them in as usual. Sam did not want to leave, but it was dark and hard to see what was biting you. We decided that we would leave after 100 crabs caught. The last trap we pulled in four keepers! Awesome, that means we now had five and dinner will be crab tomorrow night!

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